Aprender Kitesurf

Aprender kitesurf nem sempre é facíl...

Curv4kitesurf, oferece a possibilidade de aprender a modalidade à sua medida. Com um Personal Instructor IKO, aprende ao seu ritmo, sem limite de horas ou sessões, num local perto da sua residência, até conseguir navegar.

Nível 1 - Nível 2 - Nível 3

Learn Kitesurf - Discovery Kiteboarder Program

Discover Kiteboarding and elevate your water sports experience. The IKO Kiteboarding programs are designed to help you learn in a safe way while your IKO Instructor respects your rhythm and takes you through all the steps so you can reach your goals.

Level 1 - Level 2 - Level 3

Learn Kitesurf

Discovery Kiteboarder Program

Discover Kiteboarding and elevate your water sports experience.

The IKO Kiteboarding programs are designed to help you learn in a safe way while your IKO Instructor respects your rhythm and takes you through all the steps so you can reach your goals.


Kiteboarder Level 1 on land

. Level 1A
Know safe wind directions and conditions for kiting
Know hazards on a spot
Set up a trainer kite
Know the use of safety systems

.Level 1B
Have basic flying skills with trainer kite
Launch and land the trainer kite with an assistant
Twist and untwist the lines while flying the kite
Walk and change directions while flying the kite
Know the wind window

.Level 1C
Set-up a 4/5 line kite with a full de-power system
Pre-flight check of equipment and settings
In flight check of equipment and settings
Understand and use the international communication signals
Launch and land the kite to an assistant and as an assistant (4/5-line de-power kite)

.Level 1D
Control the kite hooked into the harness
Understand the de-power system and can use the safety systems
Advanced flying skills with the de-power kite
Show full control of de-power systems in flight

.Level 1E
Pull quick release and activate leash
Recover the bar and kite
Self land

Intermediate Kiteboarder Program

Become an independent kiteboarder

Now you will make use of all that flying knowledge you gained in Level 1, but make sure you wear a flotation vest, and keep your helmet on because in this level you are ready to get in the water. Once you complete this portion of the program you will start riding the board.

Kiteboarder Level 2 in the water

 Level 2F
Enter and exit the water independently and safely while controlling the kite
Water re-launch the kite
First body drag downwind
Maintain correct kite position in the wind window
Change direction to the left and right while body dragging
Recover the kite and bar in the water

. Level 2G
Upwind body drag to recover board
Upwind body drag holding the board with one hand
Enter and exit at the same point while upwind body dragging

. Level 2H
Know the power stroke for a water start
Know the safety rules and theory for water start
Can put the board on the feet and maintain the correct position for water start

. Level 2I
Water starts in both directions and ride a short distance
Come to a controlled stop
Understand weather forecast, tidal- and wind effects
Determine the wind strength, direction and quality
Know the right of way rules
Know equipment set up and choice according to the weather conditions

Independent Kiteboarder Program

The independent level is the stage where all those dreams and hard work pay off, as you get to feel the board on your feet! By the end of the section you will be able to start jumping and will truly be an independent rider. Then you are off to explore the world’s different locations, water surfaces and wind strengths

Kiteboarder Level 3

. Level 3J
Control the riding speed by edging
Consistent riding in both directions

. Level 3K
Consistent riding in all directions including upwind
Ride amongst other riders and water users and respect right of way rules

. Level 3L
Change of direction without stopping
Self- rescue and full pack-down in the water

. Level 3M
Risk assessment and awareness of the riding area
Self launch

. Level 3N
Make a toe side turn
Knows the theory and the safety rules for jumping.
Land a basic jump